Rock Lee's Springtime of Youth Wiki
Keep in mind that these policies are ultimately guidelines. If it's found that a policy restricts something that the reason the policy was created didn't intend to restrict, then the policy should be changed.

These are some policies on how articles should be written.

  • Characters - Events timeline on character articles should be written in the third person past tense. Other sections of the article should be in the third person present tense if the said character is not deceased.
  • Chapters/Episodes - Summary articles for chapters and episodes, pages should be written in third person present tense.
  • When listing information and someone has been replaced by someone else in the plot, the person who was chronologically first should be listed first.
  • The word "current" should never be used in a character article. (Articles are meant to be read not by people up to date with the latest manga, but by anyone who is up to any point of the anime or manga, and should still hold true after the manga has moved forwards an arc and current is no longer current.)